Trusting God – He’s in Control

Revival in Christ, World in His Hands, Christian Blog, Encouragement, Revival

Sometimes it’s hard to trust God. I think it happens to all of us. When I don’t see things going my way I easily forget about the realities of God. When I’m happy I usually feel pretty good and confident about who God is. He’s faithful, He’s almighty, He’s powerful, He’s sovereign, etc. But the moment a problem presents itself I’m abdicating those things in exchange for worries and doubt. That’s a terrible habit because it’s showing a lack of conviction in who I believe my God is. Thankfully over time it’s gotten better. Not to say that I don’t have my moments of worry but experience always cultivates maturity.

I remember when I first gave my life to Christ. Being in my first love with God was an amazing time that I’ll never forget. I remember how child-like my faith was. I don’t say this to pat myself on the back but to encourage myself and others to return to that place in our lives. I always tell God that I don’t want to live in the past. I don’t want to get old thinking about how great my relationship with God was years ago. No. I want my relationship with God to get better with time.

Although my Christian walk since I first converted has had its fair share of struggles and great moments it all has been a learning experience. One thing I can say is that problems, whether brought about by my actions or not, have been beneficial. First and foremost I’m thankful that God has allowed me to see the other side of those problems. The fact that I’m able to look back on those experiences has helped my faith get stronger. In the beginning a storm might be able to wipe you out. But over time God works in the midst of your circumstances and you realize that you’re really not alone. God is always with you.

That’s why I always try to latch on to God’s word. It’s not always easy but I remind myself that I’m not what the world says I am. Even though at times I feel alone and helpless, I remind myself that God is for me and that He is sovereign. The devil for as evil as he is, is still a creation. He’s limited and so is the world. The only One that is sovereign, all-knowing, and all powerful is God. So when life isn’t going my way I ask God to help me trust in Him because ultimately He’s in control. They say that a single leaf from a tree doesn’t fall unless it’s God’s perfect will.

Revival in Christ, Fall Leaf, Falling Leaf, God is in Control, Revival

Thank you for reading! I wanted to share some quick thoughts before I head off to bed. I just want to be transparent and let others know that I know trying to live for Christ isn’t always a walk in the park. As Christians living in a fallen world we are still faced with temptation, problems, and need. We all go through problems. But the good news is that we’re not alone. Even though we’ll experience hardship it doesn’t mean we won’t enjoy times of great joy. There are seasons. But regardless of what season you’re in remember that it won’t last forever. Just like Summer has given way to Fall, so do our seasons give way to new seasons. But take courage.

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. – John 16:33

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