God’s Reminder: Don’t Fear, I am With You

Don’t fear. Some of the Bible’s most comforting and powerful verses start off this way. Don’t fear is usually followed by a sign of encouragement; for I am with you. God is with us and not only in the good times but in the bad times as well. God’s promises are faithful and they don’t change like seasons do or like people do. A friend or someone you know can change at any moment. An argument, a problem can bring about changes in how people each other. Changes are everywhere and we see them on a daily basis. Yesterday it was cold and today it is warm. Yesterday you were younger and today you stare at a reflection in the mirror that is just a little bit older than yesterday’s reflection. Don’t fear, for I am with you, says God.

“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” – Isaiah 41:10

God is with us every passing second whether we aknowledge Him or not. God is present when you open your eyes in the morning and hurry out of bed to make it to work on time. God is with you on your ride to work and He is present throughout your day. God is also there at your lowest moments when it feels like everyone else has turned their back on you. You are not alone. God’s word reassures us that He is with us and that nothing or no one can separate us from the love of God.

“For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” – Romans 8:38-39

Today I want to encourage you to keep going. When we share God’s word the giver and the receiver of the word are equally benefitted. Why? Because the word that we’re transmitting comes from God Himself. The Holy Spirit moves through the person and comes out through their lips. The word impacts both the speaker and hearer of the word. The Bible says that life and death is in the power of the tongue. Our goal should be to speak positive things and to reject any negative talk. Our words have power and when we speak God’s word it doesn’t come back empty.

I’ve spoken about fear in the past. Some of the things I’m sharing here might sound familiar if you’re keeping up with the blog. It’s important to remind each other about God’s promises. God said don’t fear, for I am with you. Keep fighting the good fight because God’s plans are greater than your circumstances. Whenever God is getting ready to do something big in your life, the devil works harder to discourage you. That’s why when we feel inspired by God and we start seeing fruit in our life, we’ll likely ecounter more resistence. But that’s OK because at the end of the day it means that God is working in you. Like my Pastor says, “If you’re not having problems, start worrying.”

God is good and His mercy is everlasting says the Psalm. Always remember that God’s plans are bigger than your plans. If your outlook on life seems dismal, don’t forget that God loved you so much that He personally came down from heaven to save, you. God gives us hope. He gives us peace and security in a world full of chaos and uncertainty. You’re not alone. “Don’t fear, for I am with you.”

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